Thursday, December 6, 2012

Moving along...

I have to say - the second time around isn't nearly as easy as I'd hoped as I said before, but knowing your social worker and family coordinator is such an asset. They were helpful and encouraging to begin with but I feel our rapport is so much sweeter. Ya know?

So far I've been buried in paperwork. Thankfully we were able to get in to see our doctor quickly and we're just waiting on blood work results to have his report notarized. I stopped in to get our local police clearance letters and walked into a glitch. They don't notarize them. Ugh. On the positive side, this particular report isn't needed with our Russia dossier, it's the state one that is necessary, and after checking with our social worker, the clearances I DID get yesterday will work (at least for now.)  What a major relief.

I found out our passports expired this past September but thankfully we can renew them by mail and don't have to go to the local courthouse, meaning David doesn't have to take any time off of work to head over there.

Now my task is to find a CPA that will write an employment letter for me stating I'm self-employed and my income info. I could try to ask the sweet woman who helped us last time but I wouldn't want her to think we're taking advantage. We'll see.

Another item on the agenda, this time around we have to have a psychological evaluation so I have to find a doctor that can write the report we need to the specifics that Russia needs.

Once we have all the necessary items for the home study we will submit them to our social worker along with a fat check. Oye. It has begun.....

That's the update. I'm really excited about this. Taking one step at a time.  Thanks for your support!

::  Michele  ::

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