Monday, December 17, 2012

Making Progress

This past week was spent getting more items checked off our list, finding the necessary appointments and reminiscing our last adventure. As I was looking through and comparing paperwork from Jack's adoption process it brought tears, excitement, frustration and all sorts of emotions. I came across his Russian passport and remembered so vividly the day he took that picture. He looked so lost and empty. But it also brought me excitement knowing he is literally the complete opposite today. I look forward to our little one to come and how all of our lives will change once they join our little family.

I watched a video of one of our visits with Jack at the orphanage before we were able to bring him home. I was tickling him and his laughter made me almost burst with joy inside. I kept watching it, over and over. Such Joy.

We were able to schedule our Psychological exams for this morning, though it is estimated to take several hours. I'm just happy they were able to get us in so quickly. I have a notary scheduled to meet us at our primary care physician's office tomorrow for the doctor's health form so we're closing in!

I've sent most everything to our social worker via email for approval while we're waiting on the few remaining documents. Everything is working out, even though it's a pain sometimes. I think the only thing that haunts us is the financial aspect of the process. So many things to pay for out of pocket. But we fully believe God is taking us on this journey and believe He will make the way.

Many have asked if we're pursuing a boy or girl so I thought I'd mention that we're not asking for one or the other but leaving it in God's hands as we did with Jack. :D

I'm so looking forward to getting this paperwork done and we're so close to having it all come together. I don't know that we'll be able to schedule our home visits for December but I'm hoping for early January. We might even be able to get our Dossier to our agency by February and that would be thrilling since it's just a step away from Russia at that point.

As we look forward to Christmas we are also looking forward to what next year will bring. We pray you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year as well!

On a side note: Hearing of the awful, devastating events in Connecticut on Friday brought such heartbreak, especially knowing Jack was in his own Kindergarten class at that time. I read through the list of the victims and there was a "Jack" among them which brought an even greater reality to the madness. I feel such grief for those families and hugged my little boy so much over the weekend. We pray for peace and comfort for each family member and friend involved. We know God can heal broken hearts.

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