Sunday, April 22, 2012

Officially begun

Well - it's finally here. The blog post you might have been looking for.  Our decision.

After much prayer, we've decided and believe that once again, Russia is where we'll find our 2nd child. We will be using the same agency we used for Jack's adoption and have already submitted our application. (Click here to visit their site.) We received our acceptance on April 10th, have filled out the agreements, sent them along with our first installment fee and are ready to start the next big step. Home Study paperwork. Oye.  There are at least 26 items we have to complete before we can schedule our home visits (3), some have several items within the items. Several are local and federal clearances that have to be requested. Others are things like proof of insurance, employment, residency, etc. 

We've gone through this before so there's not really very much that is new. We are just working our way through each form. Lots of items depend on other people and agencies and we're hoping there won't be any hangups or delays.

Keep us in prayer and not only us - our child is more than likely already born, just waiting for us to become their parents. When I think of that it brings tears to my eyes and an urgency in my heart.

We're on our way little one! Hold on! We'll be holding you soon.

I'll leave you with a family snapshot we took on Jack's gotcha day anniversary.

:: Michele ::


  1. Good Luck in the whole process!! It is amazing how much Jack looks like you and your husband. You all will continue to be in my prayers.

  2. I will keep all of you in our prayers!! I agree with Lisa, Jack looks a lot like you & your husband!! Can't wait to "meet" your new baby!!!


  3. We are so excited for you guys! I have been looking for this post and will be praying faithfully for you all and your child in Russia. I'm here if you need to chat or share coat pictures! :D You have been such a blessing to me and I can't wait to see who God has planned to be Jack's sibling! Love you girl.
